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Gardening with climate change in mind: Trends, Challenges and Adaptive Strategies

After Event Materials

Did you miss Lisa’s presentation on gardening with climate change in mind? Or did you want to revisit any part of the materials? Whatever the case, we got you covered. 

Thank you to everyone that was able to make it. If you’re ever curious about what the club does or maybe interested in becoming a member, reach out; we’re always happy to chat gardening!!! 

Thursday, January 11th, 2024 - 6:30pmVerona Public Library - 500 Silent St, Verona, WI 53593

Come join the Sugar River Gardeners meeting Thursday, January 11th at the Verona Public Library, 500 Silent St. Verona, starting at 6:30pm. 

We are excited to host speaker, Lisa Johnson (UW Extension Horticulture Outreach Specialist) for a talk titled: ‘Gardening With Climate Change in Mind: Trends, Challenges and Adaptive Strategies’.

The first part of the presentation is a review of the interconnected causes of climate change, results we are observing now and projected climatic trends for the upcoming few decades. The second part is suggestions for strategies and techniques to make personal landscapes more resilient to predicted weather trends.

This event is open to the public, and we hope to see you there!

Event Sign-up


What questions are you hoping to get answered? Are you bringing friends?